Allocation of places is undertaken throughout July by the Central Enrolment Office in accordance with:
• NO JAB, NO PLAY legislation
• Government's Priority of Access guidelines
• followed by MIKA's proximity criteria
If after the closing date a kindergarten receives less applications than positions available, then all on-time applicants for that kindergarten will receive an e-mali offer on 1 August.
If the kindergarten is oversubscribed (receives more applications than positions available), children are placed in accordance with the Government's Priority of Access guidelines, followed by MIKA's proximity criteria.
Children who apply under these guidelines include:
• Children at risk of abuse or neglect, including children in Out-of-Home Care
• Early Start Kindergarten (known to Child Protection or Child First)
• Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Children
• Asylum Seeker and Refugee Children
• Children eligible for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy (see Priority of Access for further deails)
• Children with additional needs, defined as children who:
- require additional assistance in order to fully participate in the kindergarten program
- require a combination of services which are individually planned
- have an identified specific disability or development delay
• Multiple birth (triplets or more)
Applicants who live geographically closest to the kindergarten (and who are or will be residents of the City of Maroondah in the kindergarten year, or who reside in a Municipality whose boundary with the City of Maroondah is within one kilometre of the kindergarten), will be placed first.